четверг, 20 февраля 2020 г.


I am using a vm for testing. General 7-Mode Commands setup Re-Run initial setup halt Reboots controller into bootrom reboot Reboots controller back to Data Ontap sysconfig -a System configuration and information java netapp. NDMPD ndmpd status check status ndmpd on off turns ndmpd on or off ndmpd version displays version information ndmpd version 4 set ndmpd version to 4 options ndmpd Display ndmpd options. Can someone point me to where ssh keys are stored. Make sure you copy out original contents if you wish to keep it. If you are removing the snapmirror relationship this is the first step. Cluster cf enable enable cluster cf disable disable cluster cf takeover take over resources from other controller cf giveback give back controller resources after a take over. data ontap 8.1

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The -s is optional NOTE: You must create the base as a volume! The interface will be vifo vlan delete vif0 10 deletes the vlan interface vif ifconfig vif x. I alo had to re-create the home directory share for cifs to point to the new location. Then I could delete the previous root xata and aggregate and get the disks back. All the tutorials included on this site are performed in a lab environment to simulate cata real world production scenario.

Listed below are a list of common NetApp 7-Mode Commands that you can use in your day-to-day operations. What I do is snapmirror the root volume to a bit aggr, then change the aggr to root, make the volume as root and reboot.

Turn on logging in your terminal program before running this command Disclaimer: If you can, please add: General 7-Mode Commands setup Re-Run initial setup halt Reboots controller into bootrom pntap Reboots controller back to Data Ontap sysconfig -a System configuration and information java netapp.

Starting from right to left you have day of week, month, day of month, hour minute. This will remove the snapmirror relationship if all else fails. This can also be FCP addresses.

data ontap 8.1

I just built a new running 8. Check the ip space that the vfiler is using by typing ipspace list Create the vlan interface on the host i. Its really a very good one.

Pauses the SnapMirror Replication. This is for full volume mirror. Makes the destination volume read only which must be done for volume based replication.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Minutehoursday-of-monthday-of-week 0 for Sunday — 6 Saturday Each value can only be a number.

Data ONTAP 8.1 Network Management Guide for 7-Mode

To add extra vlans to a vfiler you must do the following: Any ideas why this is? Performed from vfiler0 route add x. But your autosupport will alert netapp so macke sure after you have finished doing what you need oontap do disable cifs. When data is out of date, for example working off DR site and wanting to resync back to primary, only performed when SnapMirror relationship is broken snapmirror update -S srcfiler: Turn on logging in your terminal program before running this command.

Data ONTAP Network Management Guide for 7-Mode

For example snapmirror initialize -S filer1: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Make sure you copy out original contents cata you wish to keep it. You should see you destination filers in this file. I used this method today, with 8. With NFS you will need to purchase the license.

data ontap 8.1

Followed by snap delete of the baseline snapshot.

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