вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The Schnitzelbank singer is a bard that sings satirical verses about current events in Basel or from around the world. There are no documents from this era supporting this theory, and the resolutions from were not quoted until years later. Like the Cliques, they play music with piccolos and drums. Carnival around the world. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. fasnachtsmusik

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During their chosen day 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Bummelsonntagdepending on the groupthe groups go on a small trip somewhere outside of Basel, usually including a visit to a restaurant.

For spectators, there is the ever-present danger fasnachtsmusjk being attacked from behind by a confetti-throwing Waggis, especially if not wearing a Carnival badge see below known as a Blaggedde which sounds similar to plaquette to French and English listeners.

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This page was last edited on 15 Septemberat Some of them are used for experiments with the Fasnacht topic, such as Fasnachts-Musicals or concerts with traditional Fasnacht instruments and crossovers with "classic" instruments. Later in the evening, the groups return to Basel in normal street clothes no costumes or masks and parade one last time through the inner city, particularly along the major street in the city, Freie Strasse.

It is not expected that the children, especially the youngest, will wear the heavy traditional masks. The first one, ending on Ash Wednesday, was known as the Herren- or Pfaffenfasnacht lords' or priests' carnival and was observed by those members of the higher echelons of society. Their arrival is accompanied by the pipers still without costumes or maskswhile the drummers leave their drums at home.

Originally, sweets in the form of small sugar balls known as confetti an Italian name, similar to the English confectionery were given away or thrown at the crowd during the parade. Before Fasnacht starts, various events Vorfasnachtsveranstaltungen take place. The lanterns, most of them still wrapped up from delivery from their respective workshops, are brought to where the parade begins in the city centre.

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Most of the people in the carriages, generally less rude than the Waggis, are dressed as old ladies fasnachtsmusiik referred to as the Alti Tante meaning "old aunt"giving them a near-royal feeling. There are a number of events that occur before and after Fasnacht. Indonesia Solo Jember Jakarta.


Views Read Edit View history. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This was decided by the regional confetti manufacturers to prevent the once-common practice fasnacutsmusik reselling "used" confetti.

A total of parade lanterns were carried or pushed on mobile frames.

Similar verses are also distributed by the various Cliques in flyers known as Zeedel. There are two major types of lanterns, the large Zugslaterne parade lanterns that are wheel-mounted or carried by 2 to 4 people in front of the Cliques; and the head-mounted Kopflaterne head lanterns that every participant wears.

It is said, that in order to differ from the Catholic customs, Fasnacht was scheduled one week later starting fasnachtsmussik There are no documents from fasnnachtsmusik era supporting this theory, and the resolutions from were not quoted until years later.

Fasnachtsmsuik lantern exhibition is referred to as the largest open-air art exhibition of the world. The carnival lasts for exactly 72 hours and, therefore, ends on Thursday morning at 4: These Sujets usually related to recent events and are highly satirical.

It is requested, though not required, that visitors purchase a badge, so that the groups can continue to finance themselves. Even so, Basel's sanitation department succeeds in clearing away this mess within two hours during the night, so, by the following morning, there is little evidence of the previous day's events.

The singers appear regularly in the restaurants and bars on Monday and Wednesday night and fasnachtsmhsik the clique-cellars local Clique meeting halls on Tuesday.

Some trucks are on display on the Kasernenareal from Monday night to Wednesday morning. The Schnitzelbank singer is a bard that sings satirical verses about current events in Basel or from around the world.

Throwing mixed confetti is seen as very fasnachtsmusk form, since one would have picked it up from fasnachtsmjsik street, which is obviously an unhygienic practice. While there is no proof for this theory, the amount of confetti used during Basler Fasnacht is huge in comparison to other carnivals.

The traditional Cliques, which march while playing piccolos and Basler snare drums, retreat to the side streets.


The Guggemusik groups fasnachtskusik through the city centre, then stop to play four to five songs and then move on. On the Saturday after Fasnacht, there are many masked balls, which are together known as the Kehrausball or Kehruss in the local dialect. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

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